déclaration sociale des indépendants

· Viewed 1031 times

I registered as an auto-entrepreneur in December 2018 and pay my cotisations sociales on a monthly basis via the Urssaf website.

(So far, I’ve made the first two payments at end April – one payment for the first three months, Dec-Feb, and a second payment for the month of March. I then made the next payment (for April) at the end of May. So all up to date.)

However, I received a letter from “Sécurité sociale indépendants” about la “déclaration sociale des indépendants” addressed to “tous les travailleurs indépendants” and requiring me to declare my revenue for 2018 online by this Friday, 7th June.

But do I actually need to do this, since I’m already declaring my income monthly?
On the website, http://www.l-expert-comptable.com, it states:

Les professionnels concernés par la DSI sont les travailleurs non-salariés TNS affiliés au Régime Social des Indépendants, soit les chefs d’entreprises individuelles et les gérants majoritaires de sociétés.

Les auto-entrepreneurs ne sont pas concernés par la déclaration sociale des indépendants, même s’ils relèvent du RSI. En effet, dans leur cas, le calcul des cotisations sociales s’effectue via leur déclaration de chiffre d’affaires mensuelle ou trimestrielle.

(In fact, although my auto-entreprise start date was in December 2018, my first income was not until January 2019 so the figure for my 2018 revenue would be zero in any case!)

Should I go ahead and create an account at http://www.net-entreprises.fr as requested by the letter I’ve received, and enter “0” as my 2018 revenue, even though I’m not a “chef d’entreprise indépendant”?
Or is this an error, in which case how do I go about correcting it?

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