Declaration sociale des independents?

· Viewed 1391 times

I have just received this form and am a little confused as to what I need to complete. I set up in my business in France in 2007 as an auto-entrepreneur to run a chambre d’hotes. I moved in late 2014 and subsequently been renovating the new property, I have made nil declarations each quarter for 2015. Despite therefore having no income to declare, I want to ensure I fill it in correctly.

Now that auto-entrepreneur are called micro-enterprise, I assume I fill in the first part Enterprises Individuielles et societes soumises a l’IR.  However there are three boxes for Regimes Micro-Enterprises:

  • XC - Micro-BIC (ventes)
  • XD - Micro-BIC (prestations)
  • XE - Micro-BNC

Under these is the following attention - ces trois rubriques ne concernent que les personnes relevant du regime fiscal des micro-enterprises (micro-BIC et micro-BNC). I am probably being dense but this seems imply that I should not complete a box.

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