Déclaration trimestrielle de recettes for an auto-entrepreneur?

· Viewed 1366 times

I set up an auto-entrepreneur business on 1 June 2016 in France. I recently received a déclaration trimestrielle de recettes for second trimestre 2016.

  1. Is this for the period 1 April until 30 June?
  2. Given that I was only active for June do I therefore declare any June earnings in this statement?
  3. It says payment must be received by 31 October 2016, i.e. within three months after the quarter finished - is this how it works each quarter?
  4. I just registered on net-entreprises.fr, am I correct in thinking this is how you pay online for future quarters?
  5. For this quarter, I presume I have to fill out the form and send back to URSSAF - is this correct?
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