Declaring and paying first trimester’s tax by letter/cheque (auto-entrepreneur, VLF)

· Viewed 730 times

I registered as an auto-entrepreneur in December, on the versement libératoire scheme. I’ve recently had two ‘déclaration de chiffre d’affaires’ forms in the post from Urssaf relating to the 4th trimester of 2020 and the 1st trimester of 2021. Can I simply fill these in and send them back with a cheque for payment? The forms don’t mention this as an option, they only suggest doing online, and I’ve read that everything must be done this way for an auto-entrepreneur.

I have tried to do it online via my account on the Urssaf auto-entrepreneur app and website, but there is no option to pay the above, only references to future trimesters or months, and some other confusing information (e.g. a record of payment for 14 euros from a bank card I don’t even have).

I’ve also tried to declare via but it doesn’t work for me yet. After about three months of waiting I recently received the letter with the code to activate my personal space, but it had already expired by the time I received it, so I still can’t get in.

The deadline on both trimestrial forms from Urssaf is 6th June.

Thanks in advance

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