Delayed VAT number and payments from clients

· Viewed 777 times

Hello Valerie,

I recently exceeded the micro-entreprise threshold maximum, 35,200 this past October 2019.  I applied for a VAT number with much delay and complication from my tax office in Paris.  I finally have a TVA number only since January 2020. 

I only just recently re-issued the Oct, Nov, Dec, invoices to my clients with VAT added.  As the clients wanted proof of my VAT number before the re-issue.  I recieved one VAT payment on January 21st and I will have recieved all VAT payments from my clients by February 5th 2020.

I declared ‘0’ TVA for January, as I had not recieved any payments from TVA.  My next VAT decalaration is due February 17th.  How do I declare my VAT for Oct, Nov, Dec of 2019?

As always I greatly appreciate your knowledge.  Thank you!

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