Dental or luxury camping business in France?

· Viewed 1656 times

We have a house in France. At present we live in England, my husband is a dentist and we have our own dental practice and I am nurse and manage this business. We want to relocate to France and start a business - below are our options.

Dentistry: Our local French town will be building its own medical centre and my husband has been offered the job as dentist in it, but we will have to furnish the surgery from our own expense and we would rent the room from the local town. We are at present applying for his licence to work in France assuming this goes through smoothly he could work there from Spring time 2017. We are trying to find out the following:

  1. Are dentists considered self employed in France and if so where does he fit in the legal structure of owning a business in France?
  2. We notice that most dentists do not have dental nurse in France. Would I be able to work with him as his assistant or is it not allowed or is it too expensive?

Luxury Camping: Our house and land would be an excellent place for people camping in France. We would like to look into a luxury campsite in France with three tipis (tents) a shower/toilet block and a cooking cabin.

  1. Where do we start with planning permission for a camping site in France and who would you recommend that we approach first and then the best order to progress this business idea?
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