Different tax rates for different activities?
I originally registered as a Formation Prof - Activité Libérale (578) and later added Vente des Livres - Activité Commerciale. The 578 is my main activity at present. I have an auto-entrepreneur friend who is doing the same thing and she said that she pays 18,30% tax for the first one and 12,00% tax for the second.
I have had conflicting responses from URSSAF about this. One person said that both activities come under the same tax but the other said that I should alter my Déclaration Trimestrielle de Recettes form by writing directly on the form the amount of commercial turnover and apply the 12,00% tax to that. He said that the form would automatically be updated to show the two tax rates. So, for the past 2 trimesters, I have done this and paid 2 different rates of tax, but the form has not been adjusted and I have a feeling that this will come back to bite me. What is the best way forward?