Different tax rates for different auto-entrepreneur activities?

· Viewed 1739 times

We have just changed from Micro Entreprise to auto-entrepreneur. On our original Immatriculation in 2008 we were advised by the CCI to list as many branches to our business as we could think of, and we included Chambres d’Hotes, painting and language courses, sales of paintings and computer advice. We would like to also add sale of advertising space in a bulletin. I know that the Chambres d’Hote is classed as Commercant with a total of 13% tax and social charges. Can you advise us which category the other activities fall so we know how much to pay.

Also, our Naf code (a new discovery for me) only mentions the principal activity, Chambres d’Hote - is this correct or do you think we should try to get the other activities added?

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