Do I have to add penalties for late payment when invoicing a business?

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I’ve just done my first piece of work as an auto-entrepreneur. I’ve been looking at examples of factures for professional services and have drafted my own with my name, address, SIRET no, their details, date, invoice number, description of service and amount to pay, plus statement TVA non applicable, art. 293 B du CGI. The invoice is going to a charity in the UK. Do I have to put in time penalties for a late payment (as appears on the sample facture on the auto-entrepreneur website)?

I know the charity have to submit my invoice to claim the money from a funder before they can pay me and I’m happy with any slight delay. A previous question on the forum from 2009 refers to governmental articles on this and seems to suggest a large penalty is mandatory. But my French isn’t really up to understanding the article completely. Also, I’m assuming that I don’t have to break the work down to an hourly rate? It was a mutually agreed figure for the piece of work.

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