Do I get a new carte vitale with a business registration in France?

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I have a Carte Vitale with CPAM and have recently become an auto-entrepreneur profession liberale business here in France. I chose the RAM for assurance maladie and would like to know if they send me a new card or not and if it is automatic? The RSI sent me a notification de situation avis d’appel de cotisation (0,00 paid), is this normal?

I also had two letters from insurances for the retraite complémentaire, saying that two groups have been chosen in my department by AGIRC-ARCCO - Malakoff Médéric and Vauban Humanis and that I have three months to choose one. I am a bit confused which one I should choose and what exactly happens. This week I was contacted by CAP assurances who want to discuss insurances with me and I am not sure if I should see them.

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