Do I have to attend the 1 day RCS course in France?

· Viewed 1655 times

I am confused as to whether I need to attend the one day course at registre du commerce et des sociétés (RCS) according to my profession liberale business in France. Reading one of your answers in the forum, there are two options according to whether you are registered as commerciale or artisanale. I am unsure which I am because my Déclaration Trimestrielle De Chiffre D’Affaires states: Code de gestion - prestations de services commerciales ou artisanales. The two options appear to be:

  1. Attend the RCS course if you are registered as artisanale
  2. Inform RM if you are commerciale

I think RM relates to Chambres de Metiers, which you advised below was the incorrect body for my previous application and therefore leads me to believe I must attend the RCS course. Please advise.

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