Do I have to be an auto-entrepreneur?
· Viewed 2286 times
Following on from my last post, do I have to adopt autoentrepreneur status? Currently, we earn about 6,000 euros per year from our chambres d’hotes. We fill in this figure on our tax declaration, we have an abatement of 71% and we pay CSG et CRDS at 15% on what is left.
Given that this figure (after said abatement) is well below the minimum level required to pay the full spectre of social contributions, and since I would never earn enough to add anything to my pension - why is autoentrepreneur status of interest for me?
I understand that I have to register with the chambre de commerce - how do I do this and what does it cost? My husbands pension represents our main household income and my health cover is currently covered by his S1.