Do I have to have more than one customer?

· Viewed 1388 times

I read your one customer thread with interest - in my case I use my knitting machine (based at home) to knit for a living. If you had any idea of the market you would realise there are many people out there that want you to knit for them but the rewards are a bit of joke - after all you can go to the local supermarket and buy knitted stuff for less than the cost of the yarn.

I have found a Company in the UK who farm out work to knitters with certain machines to knit garments and pay a decent price for each garment. I am kept busy with this company and I am working alone (as per the auto-entrepreneur requirement) and can only cope with so much.

I complete the garment, post it off and invoice them. There are others out there I could knit for but the upkeep of my machine and spares etc. etc. make the payment recieved hardly worth while. One knitwear company I contacted for work wanted me to knit and sew up garments, this worked out at less than £5.00 per hour. My question is, do I seriously have to accept non profit making work to have a second person to invoice so I keep within the boundaries of being an auto-entrepreneur?

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