Do I have to pay cotisation fonciere des enteprises (CFE) tax twice?

· Viewed 2176 times

Can I just clarify - you said in other answers on CFE) that no matter what the surface area of the business, you will not pay any more. I have a chamber d’hotes which comprises two bedrooms and two bathrooms, and the use of the dining room (within our kitchen) and also a gite with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, sitting room and kitchen/dining room.

  1. Do I count the bathrooms in the sq metre measurement?
  2. Do I count the kitchens/dining rooms/sitting rooms in the measurements?
  3. I have the chambre d’hotes in the main house and the gite is across the lawn in the garden, do I have to pay the tax twice?

I am registered as an auto-entrepreneur for chambre d’hotes and the gite as the extra activity as it generates less income. As the major square meterage is far greater in the gite that the chambre d’hotes I don’t want to end up paying more in cotisation fonciere des enteprises tax than we actually make from the gite.

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