Do I have to pay the health contributions requested by the RSI?
RSI is my organisme santé and now that my health coverage has been set up (I recently received my healthcare attestation), I have just received from the RSI in Le Mans a Notification de Situation telling me that I owe an amount in health contributions for 2010. The paper also tells me what my quarterly contributions are going to be for 2011.
I thought that the social charges/contributions that I pay via Net Entreprises every quarter covered my healthcare contributions. On the original notice of notification of auto-entrepreneur status that I received from URSSAF, it says that that the AE status is characterised by a simplified declaration and payment process for mandatory social and other contributions, i.e. maladie, retraite de base, retraite compléementaire etc. Do I have to pay the health contributions requested by the RSI in addition to what I already pay online via Net Entreprises each quarter?