Do I have to pay these extra auto-entrepreneur business taxes?

· Viewed 2241 times

I received the quarterly auto-entrepreneur business declaration. I am registered as a retail business in France, so only ever declare ventes de marchandises, that’s a slightly lower amount than 2014 at 14.3%, as against 15.1% in 2014. That’s straight forward enough, however, there are now 3 additional categories on my declaration:

  • 576 - Formation Commercant Obligatoire 0.1%
  • 066 - Taxe CCI Vente Obligatoire 0.015%
  • 067 - Taxe CCI Prestation Obligatoire 0.044%

As they state obligatoire, do I need to pay all these 3 small amount in addition? If so, do I just declare the same turnover and multiply by the specified percentages?

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