Do I need a business licence to sell on the streets in Paris?

· Viewed 1467 times

I am an auto-entrepreneur business in Paris. I’d like to sell my services by giving flyers and getting paying customers on the street. It would involve taking money physically from the clients or using electronic card payment systems on a phone. There are no materials or objects involved - I am not setting up a market stall or shop of any kind.

Someone has told me that to sell on the streets you need a license of some kind, but I think if it exists, it might only mean to sell objects like jewellery or photos - not services. Or perhaps you need a license to take money as I describe.

I emailed the town hall (who were totally useless and did not answer my question sensibly), or even the Chamber of Commerce who invite questions of a legal nature on their website, but also totally ignored my question and just answered about museum visits in France.

Can you give me any advice on this or link me to someone who knows what they’re talking about?

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