Do I need a Kbis?
· Viewed 751 times
We’ve just received notification of our titre de séjour appointment with the Prefecture.
However, they are asking me to bring a 1. “Dernier avis d’imposition” and a 2, “Kbis”?
1. Concerning “Dernier avis d’imposition” will my monthly Declaration de Chiffre d’Affaires which shows my income and payment be sufficient for this purpose?
2. I understood that as an AE I can only have an INSEE (which I have) but not a Kbis? I have tried to obtain a Kbis extract from Infogreffe but they do not recognise my company even though I am registered with URSSAF.
Can I use the INSEE form as proof of my company instead?
Thanks again for any help you can give.
Kind regards