Do I need qualifications for Homme tout main?

· Viewed 1512 times

I’m currently registered as an auto-entrepreneur for Informatique, and Creation de site Internet. I also ‘Bricole’ and do a bit of gardiennage for people on a casual basis at the moment.

  1. I want to make that side of it more official and add Homme tout main to my registration, but have been told I need to show qualifications. Is this true or is there a code available for such a thing without qualifications?
  2. Is there a limit to how many codes or metiers you can have on one SIRET, as I’m also thinking about going through the Agent Commerciale route.
  3. Under my Informatique registration, is it possible to sell advertising space on line, or is there a separate code for that too? I’ve looked through the lists of professions and could not see a suitable one for that.
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