Do I need to be Pacs’ed?

· Viewed 1897 times

I am wanting to sign up for Auto-entrepreneur and add my daugher and partner on as ayant droit, so that they are in the system and covered for healthcare etc. But myself and my partner are not married or in a Pacs so we need to go down the route of getting into a Pacs agreement. He will become a house husband when I start my business.

If I sign up for Auto-entrepreneur first before doing the Pacs, how easy is it to add my partner afterwards? Or would it be better to hold off doing the Auto-entrepreneur until the Pacs has been set in place? Do you think I could sign for Auto-entrepreneur when the Pacs agreement is in process? I’m not sure how long it takes to do the Pacs but I’m sure that it is not very quick as there seems to be many parts to sort out before.

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