Do I need to complete form 1447-C-SD?

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I’ve received an email from the Direction Générale des Finances Publiques regarding CFE-IFER in which they recommend setting up an online account. I registered as an auto-entrepreneur on Jan 14 and am not liable to pay CFE until next year, so wondered if I have to complete form 1447-C-SD and if so, by when?

My partner is setting up as an antiques dealer selling online through specialist websites. What is the best code for this activity, is it vente à distance 47.91 or other? Would this new business be exempt from CFE for his first year from now, ie, until Oct 15 or is it only for the last two months of 2014 that he’s exempt?

As we’ll both be paying CFE in the future, are you aware of any process by which we can claim back an amount already paid in taxe foncière, as we’ll both be paying taxes on the same space as both homeowners and auto-entrepreneurs?

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