Do I need to fill in 5HY or 5HQ on form 2042 C PRO?

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I’m in the midst of completing our tax return and have a question on 2042 C PRO. I became an auto entrepreneur on November 1, 2014 and did not opt for the versement de liberatoire de l’impot. As such, I have ticked Revenus non commerciaux professionnels and filled in box 5HQ Revenues Imposables.

  1. Do I need to fill in 5HY or 5HQ - Revenues à Imposer aux Prélèvements Sociaux? I’m guessing no as I’m up to date with my auto-entrepreneur déclarations.
  2. Also, do I need to fill out 5NW / 5NV Prime pour l’Emploi? I was salaried up until November and have filled 1AX / 1AV with the relevant hours.
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