Do I need to work for more than one client to be a micro-entrepreneur?
· Viewed 1066 times
At the moment I work 9.5 hours per week as a teacher for an association and I am paid a salary.
- I also work for two language schools as a micro-entrepreneur. I bill them for my services. Both language schools keep asking if I have other clients as they are worried about my status. My feeling is that it is none of their business who else I work for. Surely it is how they are employing people and on what terms which may cause them trouble and not whether or not I have other clients? Do I have to confirm, in writing, in French that I have other clients?
- If I stop working for one of these language schools and do not teach any private students, can I work for only one language school as a micro-entrepreneur - or does working for only one client somehow put the micro-entrepreneur status in danger? I would still be working part-time for the Association on a salary.
- In addition, one of the language schools is asking me to confirm, in writing and in French, that “vous êtes à jour avec vos cotisations Urssaf” (which I am, and which I have confirmed previously). This is the third time they have asked in 3 months and I am starting to find it insulting. No other company has asked this. Can I tell them to mind their own business and I’ll mind mine, or do they have a right to know?
Thank you for your help.