Do I qualify to be an auto-entrepreneur on my Carte de Séjour Temporaire?
· Viewed 1748 times
I’m a Cadre full time employee for the last 3 years. I’m interested in creating an E-Commerce website selling food goods and non-food goods. I’ll have no employees be home-based. I have a Carte de Sejour Temporaire Motif Salarie and live with my boyfriend - not married or Pacse’d and he will not be employee or partner.
- Do I qualify for auto-entrepreneur on my Carte de Séjour Temporaire?
- Do I have to inform my employer that I’m auto-entrepreneur if my activity has nothing to do with or does not compete with their activity in any way?
- I’m a bit confused about the taxes on the household assessable income (revenu fiscal de reference) of 26,420€. Can you explain this further? What does this have to do with the business income?
- What does it mean to be TVA exempted? Will I be unable to charge TVA? I’ll be buying at wholesale from distributors and will need to pay TVA and for shipping as well.
- To be clear on taxes as a Commercant, I will be paying 13% of turnover? Is there anything else?
- Will I be paying 2 totally different and separate tax returns, i.e. one for my small business and and one for my full time employment?
- Am I required to take out a business insurance as I will not have employees and it will be home-based?
- Since I’m employed full time, I already have a carte vital and carte mutuelle. Do I need to obtain another? Must I pay into social services as auto-entrepreneur if I already do by my full time job?