Do I return CIPAV Pre-Appel Estimation de vos cotisations 2013?

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I’ve just received the above for 2013.  It states that vos revenus nets professionnels non-salariees de 2011 sont non connus et donant lieu a une taxation d’office. I’m intrigued, but not surprised, as to why since I’ve been self-employed prior to 2009 first as an Auto-entrepreneur and then as Entreprise Individuelle since March 2011.  So, I’m hardly unknown to the CIPAV and clearly have an Avis d’impôts 2011.

I assume that I simply have to send them a copy of the above and this is simply a fishing exercise to illicit this information so that my cotisations 2013 are based on real figures rather than a forfait. My principal activity is an Accompagnateur en Montagne and Moniteur d’Escalade, with secondary activity as a distributor for outdoor activity equipment. So a BNC and BIC. I’m a member of the Syndicat National des Accompagnateurs en Montagne.

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