Do I use form 2042 C or form 2042 CK?

· Viewed 1865 times

I am an auto-entrepreneur (professions liberales) who did not opt for the versement liberatoire. The attestation fiscale that I received from URSSAF says I need to complete form 2042 C, but my tax papers came with form 2042 CK. When I look at form 2042 C on the impots site I do not see the correct box (5IQ), so I’m guessing I should use 2042 C, but would love confirmation.

I’m also concerned by the sentence on my attestation fiscale saying:

En effet, les rubriques auto-entrepreneur concernent les redevables ayant opté pour le versement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenue.

Is box 5IQ (I’m declarant 2 in my household) still the correct box for me?

Do I check the auto-entrepreneur box or the BNC box under my name and SIRET (identification des personnes exerçant une activité non salariée)?

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