Do I wait until the end of June and declare 2 trimestres?

· Viewed 1945 times

I have just received my first declaration from RSI, and after having watched your video I would like clarification on a couple of points. My auto-entrepreneur business commenced 1/1/2014.

  1. The video states that for the first ever declaration then I will have an extra 90 days to pay my cotisations. The form I have states date limite de reception 31/7/2014, so this agrees with the video. Now do I wait until the end of June and declare 2 trimestres at the same time? Or do I just complete it now based on the first 3 months of turnover?
  2. The form has:
    • Code 508 ventes de marchandises 14.10%
    • Code 518 prestations de services 24.60%
    • Code 572 formation professionelle artisan 0.30%

    The video states that the formation professionelle artisan is only payable in the 4th quarter but it is on my form. Do I have to pay anything this time or do I just ignore it?

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