Do I write to RSI, CIPAV or URSAFF?

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I do editing and design work, editing is my activite principale, for 1 client. For my second client, who is UK based, I do administration work. I set up with Net Enterprises last year but I am either doing something very wrong or I have set it up incorrectly - either way it will not let me declare and pay. So, I have started to search for who I need to send a letter and cheque to. I don’t buy or sell anything for either clients, I just provide a service. My main activity is editing, second is design and now third is admin. Do I write to RSI, CIPAV or URSAFF?

I think I should, as a profession liberale (main activity editing), pay 18.3% cotisation social, and as I would like to pay monthly I believe I need to be under the Regime micro-social. I am concerned I may have made a mistake here, so need to clarify this with whichever organisation I need to contact. And what percentage do I pay for imposition liberatoire?

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