Do we need top-up health insurance?

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My husband has registered as an auto-entrepreneur and chose RAM Professions Liberales Provinces for the Assurance Maladie from a list of about 4. As he is Profession Liberale we chose that one as we didn’t know the difference between any of them. We have a few questions about what happens next as we are new to France and the French system and have not had a Carte Vitale before.

Will it be RAM who issues the Carte Vitales for our family? Will our daughter be on both our Carte Vitales or just my husbands as he is the auto-entrepreneur? Do we have to take out top-up insurance with the RAM PLP as we already have private international health insurance with AXA? Will it be RAM who repay us any healthcare expenses rather than CPAM? In the past we have been taking our Feuille De Soins to our local CPAM office to get them paid under EHIC but assume now they will have to be repaid by RAM? As a beneficiary of my husband’s healthcare am I entitled to maternity payments if we were to have another child?

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