Does an auto-entrepreneur have to wait 3 months to declare first income?

· Viewed 1982 times

I registered a month ago as an auto-entrepreneur, and when I attempted to declare my first months taxes online, I was told that I would have to wait 3 months to be able to declare. However this morning I received an email stating:

Vous êtes inscrit au titre d’auto-entrepreneur, vous avez l’obligation de déclarer pour Avril 2013 votre chiffre d’affaires ou de recettes, même lorsque ce montant est à zéro.

I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do with this. I also received a piece of paper from URSSAF entitled Déclaration mensuelle de recettes, which I assume I would have to fill out declaring zeros and send back. Is this the same thing they are asking for online? Should I just fill this one out and forget about the email? What does recettes translate to in English?

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