Does becoming an auto-entrepreneur change your carte vital benefits?

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I am a type 1 diabetic. When I moved to France in 2010 I started working for the local CCI in as an English teacher. I get a contract for each student that I teach; the work was and is sporadic. It is my intention to set up as an English / public speaking / culture coach whilst still working for the CCI and if it goes well to gradually stop with the CCI.

My initial application for a carte vital was complicated as I had to prove a minimum of 60 hours per month, which I managed and I now have the card. In addition to this because of my condition I have no charges for conditions, medication, blood analysis etc. relating to my diabetes. It has taken me a long time to receive this and I value it greatly.

  1. Will changing my registration of my carte vitale, as described in Valerie’s videos, effect in any way my status with my carte vital?
  2. If I have a lean month, will I find myself losing my additional benefits?
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