Domain and activity that best describe my new auto-entrepreneur?
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· Viewed 825 times
First of all, I would like to thank you for your great help. I was working as a researcher in the field bio-technologies, it’s kind of mixed field involves biology and computer programming. I am currently registered with Pôle Emploi and I receive ARE every month. I have social security number and health card (carte vitale).
I would like to register my auto-entrepreneur and work as research consultant in bio-technologies while searching for a suitable job. I have the following questions if you please:
- The first thing I need to know is which activity is best describing my auto-entrepreneur, in my opinion, the best thing I was able to find is: “Domaine d’activité”: “ETUDE, DIAGNOSTICS, RECHERCHES” “Activité”: “CHERCHEUR INDÉPENDANT, RECHERCHE-DEVELOPPEMENT EN TECHNOLOGIES” Does it sound good?
- Does it make any difference that I am now medically covered and have social security number? Do I have to use the social security number for the auto-entrepreneur social charges?
- I am currently unemployed, can I benefit from the lower social charges rate? Do I have to prepare something for that or just request it during registration?
All the best,