EURL or SARL business in France?

· Viewed 1805 times

Since I first asked speculative question about a month ago I have been offered a contract with one client only to be a commercial director (sales and commercial management). At this stage this is the only client I have confirmed but I expect to bring on board more once I begin with them in 2017.

Your earlier replies mention that I need to have a min of two clients. Until I have visibility over the next client I only have the contract to work with one partner. Is this for both société à responsabilité limitée (SARL)  and entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée (EURL) that I need this? What would be therefore the best entity to set up?

Some of the points of the contract:

  • 110,000 euros base fees/salary (paid monthly) + incentives for bringing on new business.
  • I lease a car for approx 500 euros per month.
  • My rent is currently 400 euros per month. My apartment is effectively my office also.
  • I have only phone and computer overheads. 200 euros per month.
  • All travel and accommodation to visit and develop clients is paid for by the business partner.
  • I am a UK citizen based in France.
  • The nature of the work is sales and marketing.

Thanks as always for your business in France insight.

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