· Viewed 1086 times

Hi Valerie,

I’m trying to figure out which option makes the most sense for me and work out what my tax situation would look like.

My Situation:

I am a sole proprietor in the US and my turnover last year was a little over $100k (around 50% profit) so I would not qualify for the auto-entrepreneur. I also anticipate higher income this year and a larger increase the following year. As for EURL VS SASU, it looks like EURL would be better for taxes until net profits approached 200k euro. My wife works remotely for a company in the US (W2 employee) and earns around $50k.

So, my questions:

  1. Which setup would be better (lower taxes) considering my income + my spouse’s income as an employee? Would she be taxed the same as an employee in France despite working for a company in the US?
  2. Is the “entrepreneur/profession libérale” the correct visa I should be looking at for myself? Are there any other visas or routes to consider?
  3. Do you know what visa my wife would need to work remotely for her company in the US? She is a dietitian. Would she need to be registered or certified/licensed in France? She does not plan to take on any French clients.


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