Exempt for the first 4 years from Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises?

· Viewed 1731 times

I have read today that the government announced that auto-entrepreneur businesses in setup France are exempt for the first four years of operation. Thus, in 2012 auto-entrepreneur in France will pay no Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE). Those who have already received a letter with a non-zero payment to CFE must write a letter to request for exemption. Is this correct and if so are there restrictions?

For example, I registered my business in 2009, Vente de Merchandises en detail, so have been exempt for the years 2009 - 2011, I have received a bill this year, so can I demand exemption? My husband registered in 2011 Jardinage Bricolage and has received a zero tax bill.

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