Explanation of INSEE forms and help with CFE form in France?
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- After we registered at the Greffe as Agent Commerciaux under the auto-entrepreneur scheme we received a certificat d’inscription from INSEE, transmise par Greffe du tribunal de commerce de Limoges followed by another one, transmise par Insee Aquitaine. The former has creation d’une entreprise as the evenement and the latter autre modification d’actvite au niveau Siren. Both have different APE codes and different descriptions of Activite Principale Exercee, but the one from Insee Aquitaine has the more relevant and I feel correct APE code and activity as entered on our ACO forms. Can you explain why we have two and am I right in thinking the one from Insee Aquitaine is the more relevant?
- CFE form A1 question 1: In what order do I write my names?, letter from SIE addressed to my maiden name, all other docs including KBIS certs, Insee docs address show maiden name (nom), nom d’usage, prenom. So do I write maiden name, married name, christian name, giving all three?
- CFE form A1 question 2: Do we put the activity as described on the Insee Aquitaine which is the same as the one on our ACO form
- CFE form A1 question 7: Do we put 4619B which relates to the auto-entrepreneur scheme and is the one on the certificate from Insee Aquitaine?
- CFE form B1 question 2: Do we write in left or right box?
- CFE form section C: As we are working from home do we only tick question 21 and give m2 and ignore the rest? Not sure if we answer question 1 - nature du bien as espace dans notre maison and then give address in question 2 or is ticking question 21 sufficient with address filled in under A1 question 3?
- Since registering we are receiving offers for pensions, can you confirm if we are under obligation to take out pensions or is it covered by RSI?