Facture in USD / Exchange rate in EUR

· Viewed 382 times

I do factures in USD.

My questions are:
1. Do I need to put the exchange rate on the facture? I saw this link that you shared in a previous post: https://www.economie.gouv.fr/entreprises/facturation-devise-etrangere - However, I read that the exchange rate shouldn’t be written on the factura.
2. I understand this is the official source for exchange rate in France, correct? https://www.banque-france.fr/fr/publications-et-statistiques/statistiques?theme[7194]=7194&sub_theme[7397]=7397&start-date=&end-date=
3. If I need to put the exchange rate on the facture, it might change until I receive the wire transfer. So, can I update my facture after receiving the money in EUR in my bank account?
4. Concerning Le Livre des Recettes, I imagine that there I put the amount in EUR, according to the exchange rate of the day that the money got into my back account, am I right?

Thank you!

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