Filling in auto-entrepreneur registration form in France?

· Viewed 1790 times

I am just starting to fill in the auto-entrepreneur registration form online in France. I am not sure what to put where it says Décrivez votre activité. I can see that I can say I have none but is this asking for a description of my business or for a business name?

Then - my principal business is educational support which will include consultancy and training to schools, school inspections, exam marking. Would it be correct to put this under category 85.6? My secondary business is proofreading and indexing, possibly also some writing, i.e. publishing services - is this properly put under 58.19?

Finally, which is the correct pension provider, CPAV or RSI - for these categories? My wife will be registering an auto-entrepreneur as chambres d’hotes and I believe she will come under RSI so is it possible, and is it helpful, to be registered with the same provider?

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