Filling in on-line form as Artisan re-directed to Guichet Entreprises

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Can anyone tell me a little more about the window that opens up and directs you to the website Guichet Entreprises? I have watched Valerie’s video on how to fill in the online form but it seems like the form has been updated since the video was made and I’m falling over on the very first hurdle. When I choose Activités Artisanales a box opens with two options, I choose Principale then I get this message:

Dans ce cas, vous êtes soumis à l’obligation d’immatriculation gratuite au répertoire des métiers. Vous allez être redirigé vers le site correspondant pour déclarer votre début d’activité et votre immatriculation.

I have no choice but to get directed to the site guichet-entreprises. I’ve done the registration and got the password etc., but now it wants more information and I just want to get back to the auto-entrepreneur form as I’m not really certain what I’m filling in.

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