Final Chiffre d’affaires Tax Declaration and quoitient familial?

· Viewed 1631 times

I just received my chiffre d’affaires from RSI which states I’ve opted for versement libertoire and that in order to benefit for this my receipts plus my family part qoititent familial must not pass a certain amount.

Si vous ne remplissez pas ces conditions le centre des finances publique effectuera une regularisation en deduisant du mantant de l’impot calcule sur vos revenus le montant dont vous etes redevable a l’urssaf.

I’m really concerned about this. Do I have to do anything actively now - does this effectively mean I couldn’t be an auto-entrepreneur? I have personally earned around 6000 euros last year, but I believe this plus my quoitient familial will take me over the 32000 amount. What are the implications of this?

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