First tax return, or not?

· Viewed 1818 times

I’ve received my Attestation Fiscale 2009 from RSI. I have not, however, received any tax return form or information from the impots. I was economically inactive until Feb 2009, when I started my autoenterprise. I got confused with the form and did not sign up for the text deduction at source, so I am expecting to get a tax bill (or who knows, maybe even a credit).

Am I due a tax return this year (I am wondering if it’s like it is in the UK where you return on your Year 1 figures in the return for Year 2, or whether I should be doing a return this month)? If so, where do I get the form from? Looking at the impots website it wants a load of number I don’t have as this will be my first French tax return. I don’t want to get into trouble, but I am lost. Any advice?

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