Follow up questions

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Hi the following are follow up questions to my original posted on 4 December. 

Follow Up Question 1
Thanks. But I’m confused by your point 1. On your online auto-entrepreneur registration form it mentions the ability to have a spouse involved in the business, but that it would cost a minimum of EUR3000 in tax

Do you mean that my spouse can be linked to the business but that she will not be eligible for the carte vitale?

Also, what does the EUR3000 (minimum) tax cost for registering a spouse as a business partner relate to?

What would happen to my carte vitale if my business venture never takes off and therefore I’m not paying the 22% social security ?

Follow Up Question 2
Hello again.

In addition to my follow up questions above, I really would appreciate your clarification:

My understanding is that I would create the auto-entrepreneur in my name and add my wife as a conjoints collaborateur and that in doing so we would both be entitled to a carte vitale. Is this not the case? And what is the minimum EUR3000 tax payable for the conjoints collaborateur?

With regard to completing the online form on the website:

1. If my wife and I do not have social security numbers do we simply select the “Ce numéro ne lui a jamais été attribué” option?
2. Exercez-vous simultanément une autre activité ? Shoudl we select “Autre” and then enter “meublé de tourisme et propriétaire” for our gite and rental income?
3. For the Votre régime d’assurance maladie actuel section should again select “Autre"and enter “pas d’assurance maladie"as we are not registered in the French health service
4. “Option pour le versement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu calculé sur le chiffre d’affaires ou les recettes” - should we select Oui or Non - we have no idea how much revenue we will generate (as I mentioned above anywhere from EUR0-60,000) we currently pay tax in France (agan noted above we pay tax on the 29% of our gite income).

Thank you

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