Fonds de solidarité January - March 2021

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Hi Valerie,
I did finally get a small amount from the fonds de solidarité for December 2020. I guess I was stupid because I took off all my canceled trip bookings end of December 2019, while it had originally been a good month in sales. So the actual loss in revenue does not appear anywhere. But I did not want to pay social contributions on money that is no longer mine, because clients have a right to be refunded…

One other question: Does anybody have a clue how long the process now takes to get the aids from the fonds de solidarité from January 2021 onward? I filed both January and February 2021 (March was not yet open to file for).
It seems that now there is no longer the 1.500 € limit, but they will take the 2019 turnover of the respective month as comparison to 2021 and pay out the complete balance. This is of course very very helpful!

While the funds paid out in 2020 from March til June were not subject to taxes or social charges, I am not sure what will be the rule for the new round of government aids? Does anybody know??
Thank you

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