Form 11921*04 business registration as sole trader in France: details and implications
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My husband and I have a holiday apartment in Antibes which we rent during the season. Not for many weeks as my family use it. We have paid tax on the income using form 2042C pro. The income would be a maximum of €3000 but some years much less. It is not really a business.
We now realise that we must register and I have form 11921*04. I have read your advice to another person about completing this form but have a few questions:
- Section 1 asks nom de naissance. If my name goes on it I changed my name on marriage so do I use this name? It would be probably easier to use my husbands?
- Section 4 do we answer une address professional or domicile personnel?
- Section 5 asks origine de l’activité: do we answer creation?
- Section 10 we tick micro? Do we ignore the other part of section 10 about TVA?
- I presume we sign the declaration on the bottom right-hand side of the form but ignore the declaration no.?
Although we have declared income previously is it ok to complete this form. Can you explain the actual implications?
I understand that when we get a number we must register with the local Mairie for tourist tax?
You mentioned Greffe in a previous advice . Can you explain what this is, please?