Form 2042 C Pro Impôt sur le revenue online

· Viewed 1157 times

I am currently completing the 2042 C Pro online, as an annex to our household. I have a couple of questions:

  1. Please could you let me know whether I need to fill this part in REVENUS ET PLUS-VALUES DES PROFESSIONS NON SALARIÉES   or is this only for people who have opted for “versement libératoire”? I set up as a micro-entreprise/auto-entrepreneur in September 2017 and did not opt for the “versement libératoire”.
  2. On our online household revenue declaration/2042, I am indicated as “déclarant 2”, so the box for me to fill in is labeled “5IQ”, not “5HQ” - Is this okay?

Thank you, Valerie!


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