Form 751-SD Comptable / Domicile?

· Viewed 2151 times

I have just received my paperwork after registering as an auto-entrepreneur business online in France. I have a few questions regarding the service des impots des entreprises (SIE) questionnaire 751-SD.

  1. I actually started my business activity in June but only registered as an auto-entrepreneur recently. I have six months of invoices that have not been paid and that I will bill using my new SIREN number. The questionnaire asks for the Date effective de début d’activité. Should I put June 2015? What about for the Date de clôture du premier exercise?
  2. I don’t have an accountant. What should I put under section two on the form Votre Comptable where they ask for Nom, Téléphone et adresse courriel and Nom de l’organisme de gestion agrée?
  3. When I filled out the form to register online, I was only able to choose one APE. If I would like to add another one, could I add it to the Questionnaire under section five Autre ou compléments d’informations que vous jugez utile de préciser?
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