General Questions about auto-entrepreneur in France

· Viewed 1383 times

I am planning to offer tax / business skills training and advisory services both in France and overseas.

I do not have work at this moment but hope to over the next few months.  I am looking to work up to 3 days a week for up to 10 months of the year.  My normal charge out rate is expected to be between 250 and 500 Euros a day depending on the project.


My family and I arrived in France in April 2001, and I worked for Landwell and Associates (part of PwC) until July 2010 when I joined my husband in Qatar in the Middle East.  We moved as my husband could not get work in France, we retained our house which we own.

We continued to pay tax foncière and habitation tax whilst expatriates.

We paid social contributions and income tax until the year ended December 2010 when we became non resident for tax purposes. 

My younger son and I returned home to France in August so that my son can complete his education, he is taking a BAC pro cuisine in Vienne.  My elder son is in the UK at university.

My husband is supporting the family and living in Qatar.

My family will become tax resident from January 2018.

Taking all the above into account I have the following questions

  1. Would you agree that the services I plan to offer will allow me to become an auto entrepreneur?
  2. As I do not currently have jobs so how long can I be registered without work coming in?
  3. How long between jobs can I keep the registration open without making payments as I may have 3 or 4 months between jobs? 
  4. Do I need to do any training to become registered ?
  5. Please confirm my understanding that social Security payments are due only on fees invoiced, please confirm the rates.
  6. Can I elect for quarterly reporting?
  7. Can I ask you to support me for the first quarter walking me through the process, in which case please advise the cost?
  8. Can I declare my income for tax on my family tax return ?
  9. Given we will be higher rate tax payers would it be beneficial for me to pay the flat rate income tax on my income?  Will it be ring fenced from the family income?
  10. Can you apply for a new Carte Vitel for myself and my son who are living in France?
  11. Should I exceed the VAT registration limits services performed in France will be subject to TVA but services performed overseas will not, please confirm my understanding
  12. Should I need to be registered for TVA can you help with that registration?

Thank you in advance for your support

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