Getting your covid booster jab with NO carte vitale

· Viewed 680 times

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share the feedback of a couple of customers on getting their booster vaccine.

Many of you are new entrepreneurs and haven’t received your carte vitale yet. This can be worrying, as it take 3 to 4 months to get the carte vitale.

You can however get your booster jab, provided you have received your letter from CPAM confirming that you have a health cover - attestation de couverture sante OR have a temporary social security number.

Here’s the feedback from Wellbound Coaching on 14th Dec 2021
” I booked my appointment through doctorlib. I presented my supporting documents on the day and received my booster vaccine. Despite my temporary social security number not present on the system they found a solution. Also I did not have to pay anything.”

Another customer based in Paris with no carte vitale provided a copy of her attestation de couverture sante and jog her vaccine last week.

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