Gîte registration Chambre de Commerce

· Viewed 1020 times

Hi Valerie,  as per 2 January 2019 I registered my conciergerie business with the Chambre de Metiers. Following your advice I also asked the lady to register my gîte business but she refused to do this, telling me I should register the gîte income directly at the impôts. She said it would not be beneficial and I would be paying more social charges if registering the gîte at the CCI. I cannot work out if what she is saying is correct. How much social charges would I be paying on the gîte income if registered at the CCI? And is there a difference between classified and non-classified gîtes.

I also just read on your website about the ACRE exoneration. I wasn’t told about this when registering and we are now passed the 45 days.  Could I still try to obtain this? And if I would add the gîte business to my current siren number would I then be eligible for the ACRE exoneration as this may be seen as a new business?  Thank you, Wendy

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