Gites, auto-entrepreneur and general help required
We have a gite and making a 2nd. We began letting 2011 and income is small. No other income just savings which are nearly gone! We have carte vitale due to residence. Sue speaks good French and I get by. We want to increase our income by providing English lessons to individuals/professionals. Sue was a teacher in UK and I have years of experience in business. She’s planning to be an auto-entrepreneur for the courses. We’ve just registered our gite in my name at the Hotel des Impots using the Debut d’Activite form because they said we had to.
- Should we have registered the gite, does that mean I am now Enterprise Individuelle?
- If so, what’s that mean as I’ve received a leaflet about retirement cotisations from Humanis about choix des Institutions d’adhesions - they say are obligatory.
- How will tax and social security charges be applied to the gite revenue, will we get the 71% or 50% abbattment?
- Can I work with Sue without being on the auto-entrepreneur application form?
- If I have to be a conjoint collaberateur, what cotisations are involved? Are they paid the same way as the auto-entrepreneur – on revenues achieved over a 3 monthly basis?
- Is the gite revenue treated totally separately from auto-entrepreneur revenue?
We’ve been to CAF, URSSAF, etc and can’t get consistent answers from any of them. It’s gone from being difficult to being a nightmare – we only want to be legal and pay the cotisations and taxes we’re supposed to.