Gites, auto-entrepreneur and general help required

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We have a gite and making a 2nd. We began letting 2011 and income is small. No other income just savings which are nearly gone! We have carte vitale due to residence. Sue speaks good French and I get by. We want to increase our income by providing English lessons to individuals/professionals. Sue was a teacher in UK and I have years of experience in business. She’s planning to be an auto-entrepreneur for the courses. We’ve just registered our gite in my name at the Hotel des Impots using the Debut d’Activite form because they said we had to.

  1. Should we have registered the gite, does that mean I am now Enterprise Individuelle?
  2. If so, what’s that mean as I’ve received a leaflet about retirement cotisations from Humanis about choix des Institutions d’adhesions - they say are obligatory.
  3. How will tax and social security charges be applied to the gite revenue, will we get the 71% or 50% abbattment?
  4. Can I work with Sue without being on the auto-entrepreneur application form?
  5. If I have to be a conjoint collaberateur, what cotisations are involved? Are they paid the same way as the auto-entrepreneur – on revenues achieved over a 3 monthly basis?
  6. Is the gite revenue treated totally separately from auto-entrepreneur revenue?

We’ve been to CAF, URSSAF, etc and can’t get consistent answers from any of them. It’s gone from being difficult to being a nightmare – we only want to be legal and pay the cotisations and taxes we’re supposed to.

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